******* New York Bee Wellness - a website for NY beekeepers to identify honey bee diseases Bee Informed Partnership- The Bee Informed Partnership is an extension project that endeavors to decrease the number of managed honey bee colonies that die over the winter. Cornell Cooperative EXTENSION resource- Bee Health Community ******ScientificBeekeeping.com - Randy Oliver's website Hansen Nature Center at Tinker Park, 585-359-7044, 1525 Calkins Road Henrietta, has an indoor honeybee observation hive and an outdoor working apiary. Scouts, school groups welcome. Contact: Tim Pratt |
Disease Diagnosis USDA Beltsville Lab (link)-
how to send samples of bees, brood, comb ******************************************************************** Pesticide Analysis Marie Denski | Lead Chemist USDA AMS LATD NSL | 801 Summit Crossing Place | Suite B | Gastonia, NC 28054 P: 704.867.3873 | F: 704.853.2800 | [email protected] ; for honey, wax, pollen, bees, brood, etc 332.00 per sample |